Victoria Orange Shirt Day

News & Stories

News & Stories

News & Videos

Xe Xe Smun’ Eem

Xe Xe Smun' Eem (Sacred Children): Victoria Orange Shirt Day, follows Eddy Charlie and Kristin Spray who have brought Phyllis Webstadโ€™s event, Orange Shirt Day, to Victoria B.C.

Eddy Charlie Shares his Story

Eddy Charlie shares his story of survival for Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is held annually on September 30th.

Orange Shirt Day Children’s Book

Residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad is publishing a children's book about her experience at residential school and the story behind Orange Shirt Day.

Purchase a Shirt

Help support Victoria Orange Shirt Day. Proceeds of the sales of our products go towards helping us to continue to create awareness of the effects of Residential Schools.