History of Residential Schools


Watch Saryta Dick's history of Residential School that she created for the 2020 Heritage Fair.

History of Residential Schools2021-06-06T18:06:41+00:00
  • orange-shirt-day-gabor-mate

Gabor Matè Honors Survivors


We raise our hands to Gabor Matè for standing with Xe Xe Smun' Eem (Sacred Children) for Orange Shirt Day.

Gabor Matè Honors Survivors2021-06-06T18:03:28+00:00

Xe Xe Smun’ Eem


Xe Xe Smun' Eem (Sacred Children): Victoria Orange Shirt Day, follows Eddy Charlie and Kristin Spray who have brought Phyllis Webstad’s event, Orange Shirt Day, to Victoria B.C.

Xe Xe Smun’ Eem2021-06-06T18:08:00+00:00

Eddy Charlie Shares his Story


Eddy Charlie shares his story of survival for Orange Shirt Day. Orange Shirt Day is held annually on September 30th.

Eddy Charlie Shares his Story2021-06-06T18:08:29+00:00

Orange Shirt Day Children’s Book


Residential school survivor Phyllis Webstad is publishing a children's book about her experience at residential school and the story behind Orange Shirt Day.

Orange Shirt Day Children’s Book2021-06-06T18:09:58+00:00
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